Who we are

My photo
We are a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together. My family is the reason I get up in the morning, go to work and come home to see their beautiful faces!

Spring Break 2011

While down in AZ we visited Grandpa Chico and Laura.  We took our old jeep that Grandpa Chico keeps at his house and went 4x4.  I miss that jeep we used it alot when we lived in Northern AZ.  Its great for getting to those hard to reach hiking trails and exploring the rugged outdoors.

Spring Break 2011

 Karaoke Time!
Amanda and Braydens 1st time doing Karaoke, they had alot of fun!!  They sang and dance till the early morning, good thing Papa and Grammy are good friends with the owners at Native.

Spring Break 2011

Since dad couldn't get off of work for Spring Break Brayden and mom went down to Arizona to visit with family.   We had a wonderful family dinner at Aunt Tracy and Uncle Dannys house!
We got to meet Rhiannas baby Hadley Quinn for the 1st time, shes a cutie!!

Rhiannas beautiful family!!

Visiting with Gramps!

Sping Break 2011

While down in Arizona for spring Break we            celebrated Braydens 9th Birthday at Amazing Jakes in Gilbert, AZ.  We had a great time!  Its was so nice celebrating with all of our friends and family!!  We have missed them so much! Amanda also got to meet her Nephew Jameson for the 1st time, Brayden meet him during xmas time when he went down to AZ on a plane all by himself!  Jameson is a cutie!
Brayden and his cousin Wesley

Aunts, Grammy, Grandma J, and Godmother all   joining us for the party!

It is so nice to be back home with Papa and Grammy we miss them so much!

                                                                          It was a great party thank you to all who celebrated and helped us with the party!!  We love and miss you all!