Who we are

My photo
We are a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together. My family is the reason I get up in the morning, go to work and come home to see their beautiful faces!

Its Beach Season!!! Mommys favorite Season!

This time of year we become beach bums!!!

My Kids

Brayden is king of the Ocean!

The loves of my life!!

Honey bunny bear and Rocky!!
Brayden is giving the official thumbs up of the beach season and a thumbs up for the sun we rarely see

The beach is moms favorite place its free and provides hours of fun, relaxation, and great memories!!!!

Braydens Creations

We are currently covering everything to do with Space in our studies right now.  We are learning about all the planets, doing projects, experiments, learning about the different type of tools and vehicles they use in space, etc.  So in celebration of Memorial day and Space I had Brayden make a USA Space Shuttle he did a wonderful job!!

This is one of his lego creations.  A space robot he created! Awesome!!

A penguin and his space robot.  The penguin has a control box to control the robot, another great creation!

This is a space vehicle he made he calls it the Moon Rover 2000. 

He has a great imagination and did a very good job!!

Camping Again!

The infamous Thompson tent dwelling AKA our second home!

Brayden found this cool seat in one of the other campsites

I think this is becoming Braydens signature pose

He's becoming a true lumberjack

Do you see the uncanny resemblance?

The wood chopper

yeah sucess!!

Rocky is having a great time!

Getting the BBQ ready for lunch

what a cutie!

Getting our grub on

I guess Rocky really wanted to be in this pic, he
climbed the table to do so.

Dad on the Bridge

Dog and Boy below

Here they come run Mom!

Handsome men!

Eagle Creek Hike

Brayden and Dad

Well this is the 2nd post of our Eagle Creek hike.  This one includes pics of my family and our journey along the hike.  It was a beautiful, gloomy, rainy day.  The kind of day Mom loves!  It keeps us nice and cool while hiking.  Brayden was a real trooper on this hike it was a really long hard hike, but well worth it.  We are enjoying hiking and camping right now because of the nice cool weather.  Soon it'll be beach time as it get a little warmer!! 

Brayden enjoying the rain waterfalls coming off the mountain

A seat fit for a king

Brayden at one of the many waterfalls

Crossing the stepping stones

Rocky had a great time!

The boys on the High Bridge

Brayden giving a thumbs up, he loves to play in the water

Brayden caught a bug on a stick

Here is the bug.  Mom thinks its a Caterpillar.

Brayden climbing on rocks

The cable handrail was our best friend during the hike. 
Very narrow in some places

As you can see the trail is wet due to the rain

Brayden acting like a monkey in a tree!

We returned safely!