Who we are

My photo
We are a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together. My family is the reason I get up in the morning, go to work and come home to see their beautiful faces!

Eagle Creek Trailhead to Tunnel Falls

I am going to blog this hike 2x's.  This one just pictures I took along the trail, Nature only pics if you will.  This week we hiked 12 miles at Eagle Creek.  This was listed as a moderate trail online.  I am here to tell you yes probably moderate if you travel in an adult only crew.  Our crew consist of a 9yr old boy and a dog.  I would not recommend to take children on this hike due to the fact you are basically walking on a narrow trail that has been cut out of a side of a cliff.  You hang on to a steel cable handrail while hiking in the tougher spots.  It also rains alot there and makes the rocks on the trail a little slippery and if your not hanging on to the cable you run the risk of falling off the mountain cliff.  Our 9yr old is an advanced hiker but we also watched him like a hawk.  Also, the trail is very popular and has regular traffic of people hiking it.
  Enjoy the pics 

The kiosk at the beginning of the trail

Right at the beginning of the trail.  This river you see along the whole trail. 
As you start to climb higher it becomes the river at the bottom of a canyon.

 Here is a short video I took of the river that follows the trail. 
So peaceful with the sounds of water and nature

Okay so like I said it rains alot here.  As your walking the trail
the rain is making a lot of little waterfalls along the way.
Here is a picture of what that looked liked.  Very
pretty but makes the trail very wet.

Video of the rain going down the mountain along the trail

The trail and the much needed steel cable handrail.  This part
of the trail isn't that bad it gets more narrow as
you start climing higher

We arrive at the 1st major water fall.  This is
Metlako Falls. 

A cute little crossing at a liitle waterfall

Punch Bowl Falls the second major waterfall

The waterfall by the steeping stones in the above pic

High Bridge
crossing into wild land, meaning federal land not a
state park.

Loowit Falls the 3rd major waterfall.  It is
a little way off the main trail but well worth the
extra time as you can see
More of the trail If you look down the side of the mountain
you see the river at the bottom

Looking down into the canyon

Finally after 12 miles we arrive at Tunnel Falls

On the other side very impressive!!


  1. So so pretty. As in wow. I am glad U guys R safe. Apparently there can B some harry spots. And yes it was worth it.

  2. How did U get ur slide show of all ur pics like that? I can do that with my phone by touching one button for myself. But I don't know how to post a slide show like that. That's awsome.

  3. What a great hiking trip...and I would think it was well worth it too. So...when you get to the top do you turn around and go back down?

  4. Looks like you guys are having a wonderful time enjoying the wonders of Oregon and Washington. Wish we were there with you. Love ya, Grammy & Papa
