Who we are

My photo
We are a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together. My family is the reason I get up in the morning, go to work and come home to see their beautiful faces!

I love watching my kids sleep!

I love to watch my kiddos sleep!  They are hilarious when the sleep.  In case your wondering why I am refering to my "kiddos" meaning more than one when you know I only have one son, yes I am a dog parent.  Rocky is my dog child lol!  The 1st time I heard that was at a dog park.  I had friended a younger childless couple who only had a dog.  Their dog was their world, much like a child is to a parent.  They taught me the word dogchild.  I loved it and have used it since.  As you can see from our pics our "dogchild" is very much involved in our life, and our life experiences!  We love him to pieces, he brings us much happiness and love!  One of my favorite things to do is creep in on them in the middle of the night and take pictures, so enjoy!

They fell asleep in the basement watching snow dogs together

At our old house, the dog loves his boy

so cute! Best buds forever!

So funny!

All a boy really needs in life is his dog, guitar, and a comfy bed!

More Camping Pics

A few more pics of our camping trip!

The Oregon Side of the Gorge, there is said to be 52 waterfalls in the Gorge this being one of them.  I am hiding behind my handsome hubby who just got out of a meeting and met up with us at the Gorge.  I am hiding because I have been hiking and camping for 2 days and man I need a shower!!

There's the loves of my life!

Awesome pic

And don't forget the dog, he wanted to check out the viewpoint or try to go swimming not sure what it was be he looks very interested in what ever he thinks is going on, what it is to be mans best friend!

Best Buds

Another pic of the 2 most handsome guys I know

Brayden looks like he just claimed that rock for his own

Father and Son

Picnic time

The boys playing while Mom makes lunch

Thats a big tree trunk

King of the trees

More Photos from the Columbia Gorge

If you have ever been to the Columbia Gorge you know it is a very, beautiful, magical place!!  For those of you who haven't been to the Gorge enjoy the photos!!

Beautiful lush forest!

Prehistoric looking trails!

Viewpoint of the Cascades

The Gorge

One of the many waterfalls of the Gorge

Bridge of the Gods I love this painting!

The Gorge

Beautiful Trees

 Hope you enjoyed the photos I took of the Gorge!

By far the best hike we have done

We love to hike it is one of our favorite family pastimes!  We love to explore and see "Gods' Country".  Its really hard to pinpoint the best hike in the Pacific Northwest, but this is by far one of the best ones we have been on.  Its called Hardy and Rodney falls located on the Washington side of the Columbia Gorge.  This is in Stevenson, Washington which is one of my favorite places in the world!

Only 3.4 miles to go!

Glasses Brayden found on the hike!

Jealous of the greenery my AZ friends?
Beautiful view along the way!

A hiking we will go, a hiking we will go!

At the 1st bridge

Half-way mark

Starting to see water along the trail

At the 1st waterfall

steep stairs

At last we arrive


That way to the top of the mountain!!

View from top of summit, breath taking!

Back to the waterfalls

I found some handsome men along the way!

Brayden at the top of the waterfall

View from the top of the waterfall!!  Wow!

Brayden at the pool of winds the coolest waterfall I have seen, its windy in there and you get very wet!!  We loved it!

pool of winds

So pretty, a must see if you are ever in Stevenson, WA

We did it!

Best Friends Forever

Exploring, what boys do best