Who we are

My photo
We are a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together. My family is the reason I get up in the morning, go to work and come home to see their beautiful faces!

We Love Dads Days Off


We all went to the Athletic Club

and went swimming and excercised

We also played basebase with Braydens homeschool group.  He was the youngest kid there.  All the bigger kids were cheering him on, because he hit the ball hard and they were very impressed!  Like Mother like Son!

After everybody left we stayed at the park and played  a little more, Dad pitched, Brayden hit, and Mom and Rocky chased the balls!

And of course we brought our doggie, Its not a family outting without him!!  We had to use a rope because he got so excited he broke his leash, hes strong because of all the bike rides he goes on with us!

Tonite at Baskin Robins The fire dept had a fundraiser 31 cents for a scoop of ice cream, they had fire trucks and the DARE corvette for the kids to play in, a live band, and firemen scooping the ice cream! Dad even got a balloon!
Dad and Brayden played inside the fire truck and as 2 girls were walking by Brayden honked the horn of the fire truck and scared the 2 girls.  They jumped and screammed!!  We thought it was hiliarious the girls however did not!

Some pics of Mommy that Daddy took because he said Mommy was glowing today (and no I am not Pregnant) Just happy because I love family time and the beautiful weather we have been having 60 degrees and sunny!
I think dad needs to go to bed he looks tired. we went on a 12 mile bike ride with us today, helped mommy clean the house, mowed all 3 yards, and took us out for ice cream.  It was a beautiful day!


Well we had a nice small Easter at home.  Its was a bummer seeing everybody on facebook post pictures of their families and stories of being with their extended families.  I miss going over to my parents house, grandmas, etc being with my family and creating valuable memories.  It was also a bummer that my son finally realized that the Easter Bunny isn't real or Santa, the Tooth Fairy, and even Cupid for that matter.  Mom made the mistake of not hiding the Easter goodies too well.  I probably could of made up a story on the spot and lied yet saving another year of childhood innocence.  But unfortunately there comes a time in a parents life where their kids are just getting too smart and can even be out witted by their own children.  Below is the picture of the infamous basket he found.  Mommy made a ditsy mistake of putting from the Easter Bunny on the basket and having another basket next to it saying from mom and dad in moms hiding spot.  Brayden is a very bright boy and can read very well.
Braydens a sweet boy. He said don't worry mom I'll still pretend they are real and he still wanted me to hide Easter eggs around the house.  That's my little man always making me smile. So after the Easter egg hunt I made homemade cinnamon rolls, bacon, and eggs, and orange juice.  We went to church on Saturday for Easter celebration because Frank had to work on Easter (mommy frowning).  But that's part of his job if he fires someone unfortunately till he replaces them sometimes he has to put in extra hours.  But I am not complaining, he's the reason I get to stay home and watch my son grow up and be able to home school him!!

3....2....1....Blast Off!

Today we took advantage of the sunny and beautiful 62 degrees outside and fired off Braydens rocket.
Brayden took a 3 week class at the museum.  In this class they are learning about rockets and how they work.  He even built his own rocket, and today his whole class got to fire their rockets.  So we had to travel a little ways away from all the trees in the open farmland.

 Brayden with his rocket.  He did a great job building and designing it!

Brayden learning how to roll up the streamer.  Its acts as a parachute so to keep the rocket from falling too fast so it doesn't break .

Getting ready to launch

Brayden retrieving his rocket after the blast off

All the kids in the class did a great job and all had a blast (literally)

Mom and Dad had a blast too!

Good Friday

Today was a busy day for Mom and Brayden.  It was good friday they were busy with church, school, cooking, art, and of course getting ready for the Easter Bunny!  After Church and their homeschool studies they came home.  Mom made a wonderful lunch!

One of the best things about homeschooling my son is that I make sure he eats good healthy meals. This is what I made for lunch, much better than what the schools serve. We also had fresh strawberries earlier for snack!

Today for Art class Brayden made this:

Today for Art I gave Brayden modeling clay and told him to make something that reminds him of Easter. This is what he made Jesus's cross with people kneeling on the ground. I said wow I am impressed. He then says to me Jesus died for us on the cross so that he may rise in 3 days after and we call this Easter. He said I made this to show how he died for our sins and how we praise him. So very proud of my boy!! And a little proud of myself looks like I am not so bad at this homeschool thing!

 Of course the day wasn't complete unless we colored the eggs to get them ready for the Easter Bunny to hide!

The finished product.......AWESOME!

Another Family Hike

We hike on a regular basis, it is a favorite family pastime.

These are some hot springs we found along the way

The hotel and cafe at the hot springs

A pic I took That I thought was beautiful and relaxing

A old house we saw it looked like someone came up and just pushed it over

Brayden with his pellet gun

Dad and Brayden getting the pellet gun ready to shoot

As always a rainy day, Dad and Brayden don't love the rain as much as Mom

Awe such a cute couple!

What a handsome young man!

We love the outdoors its so peaceful and beautiful!

On the way home we ended up being in a snow storm.  The snow looks so neat on all the trees!

a little family fun

Brayden and Dad built a ferris wheel yesterday.  It has a motor to make it go round and round just like a real ferris wheel.  Brayden also put lego guys on it to make it look like it had passengers.

They had alot of fun together building it and it looked great!!

Busy Saturday

Well we started of this morning riding bikes to the Childrens Museum to Braydens Rocket class. This week he got to decorate it and prepare it for next weeks blast off.

Brayden next to his rocket while chewing on a granola bar

Ready for blast off!

After the Rocket class we rode our bikes to the park to play tag. After tag we did laps around the park to get more excercise. Brayden of course was faster than mom.

After the Park we rode bikes to church.  1st we went to confession. Then we attended the blessing of the palms celebration before mass.  After we blessed the palms everyone followed the Father and the choir around the outside of the church to do a parade while holding our newly blessed palms.  After the parade we attended mass.  When mass was over we rode our bikes home in the rain because it rains here everyday (mom is the only one who loves it!).  At home Mom taught Brayden how to make a cross out of his Palms.  He did a great job!

Our Doggie Rocky!

We love our dog Rocky!  He is the best dog ever!!!  He has so much personality and is a spoiled brat.  Brayden and I love to take pictures of him.  Here are some pics we took of him today.

He's sticking his tongue out at me while I am taking his picture

The picture after hes like "what I didn't do anything look how innocent I look".

This dog loves his life, and we love him!! He brings so much joy and happiness to us!!  What a good boy!

Brayden playing at the Childrens Museum

We go to the Museum about 2x's a week for classes.  Today our cooking class was cancelled, apparently not enough kids were interested in yummy hot bananas.  Its ok because next week is pizza cooking class and no kid can resist PIZZA!!!  So we stayed and played at the museum.  we ran into our next door neighbors so Brayden played with them!!  They had so much fun!

Hmm what costumes should they choose?

Brayden and the neighbor girl in their costumes so cute!!

Pumpkin Boy!

The neighbor girl was so cute in her dress, hat, and high heels!

The neighbor boy and clifford, he calls Brayden his best friend they are very nice kids!