Who we are

My photo
We are a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together. My family is the reason I get up in the morning, go to work and come home to see their beautiful faces!


Well we had a nice small Easter at home.  Its was a bummer seeing everybody on facebook post pictures of their families and stories of being with their extended families.  I miss going over to my parents house, grandmas, etc being with my family and creating valuable memories.  It was also a bummer that my son finally realized that the Easter Bunny isn't real or Santa, the Tooth Fairy, and even Cupid for that matter.  Mom made the mistake of not hiding the Easter goodies too well.  I probably could of made up a story on the spot and lied yet saving another year of childhood innocence.  But unfortunately there comes a time in a parents life where their kids are just getting too smart and can even be out witted by their own children.  Below is the picture of the infamous basket he found.  Mommy made a ditsy mistake of putting from the Easter Bunny on the basket and having another basket next to it saying from mom and dad in moms hiding spot.  Brayden is a very bright boy and can read very well.
Braydens a sweet boy. He said don't worry mom I'll still pretend they are real and he still wanted me to hide Easter eggs around the house.  That's my little man always making me smile. So after the Easter egg hunt I made homemade cinnamon rolls, bacon, and eggs, and orange juice.  We went to church on Saturday for Easter celebration because Frank had to work on Easter (mommy frowning).  But that's part of his job if he fires someone unfortunately till he replaces them sometimes he has to put in extra hours.  But I am not complaining, he's the reason I get to stay home and watch my son grow up and be able to home school him!!


  1. Like you, I missed not being able to get together with family. We had a quiet day at home. Quiet...but still nice. I talked to the kids on the phone. Bailey told me that her mom and Lindsay took a lot of pictures for me. I haven't seen the pics yet but it sounded like they had a lot of fun while taking them.

    Kids might learn or figure out there is no Easter bunny but they still enjoy the family togetherness and the fun stuff like Easter egg hunts.

  2. For me its missing all the noises going on in the house on a day to day basis!

  3. I miss you guys so much! Come home.....
