Who we are

My photo
We are a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together. My family is the reason I get up in the morning, go to work and come home to see their beautiful faces!

We Love Dads Days Off


We all went to the Athletic Club

and went swimming and excercised

We also played basebase with Braydens homeschool group.  He was the youngest kid there.  All the bigger kids were cheering him on, because he hit the ball hard and they were very impressed!  Like Mother like Son!

After everybody left we stayed at the park and played  a little more, Dad pitched, Brayden hit, and Mom and Rocky chased the balls!

And of course we brought our doggie, Its not a family outting without him!!  We had to use a rope because he got so excited he broke his leash, hes strong because of all the bike rides he goes on with us!

Tonite at Baskin Robins The fire dept had a fundraiser 31 cents for a scoop of ice cream, they had fire trucks and the DARE corvette for the kids to play in, a live band, and firemen scooping the ice cream! Dad even got a balloon!
Dad and Brayden played inside the fire truck and as 2 girls were walking by Brayden honked the horn of the fire truck and scared the 2 girls.  They jumped and screammed!!  We thought it was hiliarious the girls however did not!

Some pics of Mommy that Daddy took because he said Mommy was glowing today (and no I am not Pregnant) Just happy because I love family time and the beautiful weather we have been having 60 degrees and sunny!
I think dad needs to go to bed he looks tired. we went on a 12 mile bike ride with us today, helped mommy clean the house, mowed all 3 yards, and took us out for ice cream.  It was a beautiful day!


  1. How's your camping trip going? Staying dry I hope :)

  2. It was great we are going again next week! I love the rain, but yes taking measures to stay dry lol!!!
